My Experince at Pearl River Casino

If you ever are in Mississippi and happen to drive through a small town called Philadelphia, stop by Pearl River Casino and try your luck. I happen to be there for a friend's wedding and was staying at the ajoining hotel/casino, Silver Star Casino. When you walk in through the doors, you are hit with a cloud of smoke, yes smoking is allowed there, and the normal sounds of a casino. You hear the slot machines going on, alarms here and there, someone hacking up a lung, etc.

While checking into my room, the first question I asked was, "Where are your poker tables?" Thankfully they had some and they were all the way at the other end of the casino. No biggie. I put my bags up and decided to see what this place had to offer.

As I walk past the slots and the older lady with a breathing mask on and a cigarette in her other hand, I noticed it was kind of dead. I was hoping that the poker room wasn't this dead. Once I get to the area, there were about 14 tables...... and only one game going on. Go up to the counter and look at their boards. 3/6 Limit with 8 people playing. Their waiting list, 1/3 NL 6 people. I put my name on the list for the 1/3 and decide to join the 3/6 while I wait. I sit at the table and get in for $100. I look around and I feel like somone is about to croak. I also look to see if EMTs are near by.... Not in sight.

Dealer announces we are going to only have one blind and proceeds to deal the cards. I am sitting on the button and dealt K-10h. Limps come around and I raise to $6. Everyone calls. Flop comes out Ks-10d-10c. Checks around to me and I bet $3. All call. At this point I'm feeling like this is going to be a great game. Turn is a 9s. Checks again and I decide to see how far they will go. I bet $6 and everyone folds..... Hold up....What were any of you going for? That first hand really messed with my head for about 2 seconds.

Game went on and I got a lot of cold cards, so I would just watch the others. Younger guy to my left in the 5 seat is in a hand with his buddy who is in the 7 seat. Flop is 9s-8s-Kc. 5 seat beats $3 with a call. Turn is As. 5 seat bets $6 with a raise to $9 from 7 seat. 5 seat calls and the flop comes out Jc. 5 seat bets max with 7 seat raising to put 5 seat all in. He snap calls and flips over pocket aces, then proceeds to act as if he just won the lotto! Cheering, clapping, and sayings, "How you like that?!". 7 seat, who is his buddy might I remind you, smiles and flips over Q-10s. 5 seat's jaw hit the ground and caused a minor earthquake in Philly, Ms. He then, sits back down and mumbles under his breath something about mudcakes and MF'ers. 5 seat then tries to sell his knock off watch to anyone willing at the table. When no one buys it, he gets on his phone and calls someone, demanding that they bring him some money ASAP! He walks away from the table at this point.

The next three hands, 7 seat cracks pocket aces each time and won splash the pot.

At one point, I got AQh as the big blind. 4 limp in and I raise to $6. All fold but the man in 1 seat. Flop comes out Ac-10s-Qd. He checks and I bet $3 with him calling. Turn is a 3c. He checks again and I bet $6, and he calls. Now at this point I am putting him on a straight draw. I didn't feel like he had the straight quiet yet because he's not check-raising but depending on what the river was, I was cautious. River comes 7c. He checks and I fire out $9. He snap calls and flips over a flush, 4-9c. I was stunned! This man chased a flush like he was chasing a bus with his baby on it. I couldn't believe it. It was at that moment I realized I hated limit holdem.

Due to time restraints and that I was tilted, I refused to join the 1/3 NL game when it opened.

All in all, the casino is not a bad place. I do recommend it if you are in the area and if you don't mind the smoke.

Hope you enjoyed this, and if you have any limit stories, please share with us on here or any of our social media accounts. As always, best of luck to you in the poker room and in life.


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