Recommended VLOGs


Howdy to all! Here we are in 2017 and the internet is still running strong! See I told you Mom! Anywho, as the internet progresses, we, the people, find new and interesting ways to display our lives, hobbies, ideas, and cats. In the poker world, we are starting to see an increase of Video Logs, mainly known as VLOGs. 

Individual poker players have teamed up with video editors or have figured out how to do it themselve and record their daily/weekly/monthly poker adventures. Some of these "vloggers" don't even step into a poker room but yet take videos of other players/games they have found and break down plays, hands, methods, etc. This is a very smart thing because viewers get a feeling of a more personal connection with the vlogger whereas when reading a book or blog, it can lose meaning due the reader not being able to picture what is being explained.

We take our hats off to vloggers because of the work and prepreation they have to put into one vlog! There are some vloggers who put out daily vlogs! When do you sleep???!!! Due to being technology handicap, Got 'Em Poker will not be starting a vlog anytime soon.

Here at Got "Em Poker, we are thankful for the vloggers and the work they do, so we have come up with a list of vlogs we feel you should check out! Hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave comments below.

Poker VLOGs You Need To Check Out
 October of 2016, Andrew started vlogging his poker life and shared it with the world to see. As of date, he has 60K followers and 6.6 million views! With 75 videos posted in just under a year and that type of following, this guy is doing something right. He sits at the tables and does his thing. Just like everyone else, he as his good days at the table and his bad days, but he is willing to share the bad days with the world. He seems like a pretty down to earth guy who loves poker and who loves to have fun.
If you are wanting extreme High Stakes Poker....... turn on GSN or Twitch and watch it on there. Brad Owen aka "The Giraffe", a Las Vegas resident, shares with us on his YouTube page his laughs and tears with small stakes casino games ($1/$2, $2/$5, a lil $5/$10). With his trusty cat sidekick "Cosmo", who makes the usual appearance, Brad takes us into the poker room and tries to show his hands then explains all that is going on. He disects each one of his hands that he plays which is great because it gives viewers who play small limits more to learn from compared to watching higher stakes.
 This guy needs no introduction. "Kid Poker" himself, Daniel Negreanu, in all of his free time, has posted 144 videos. With the World Series of Poker Starting, Daniel is doing daily vlogs and posting them.....daily! In his vlogs, he explains how to play other games outside of NL Holdem, breaks down hands or matches against players hes faced, or other players facing other players. Along with poker, he takes us into his daily life, talks about a vegan (what vegan doesn't), shows his excitement for the upcoming Las Vegas Golden Knights hockey season.
Recommended Video - $10K Limit Hold'em DRAMA & Fireworks! Going for WSOP Cash #99 WSOP VLOG DAY 21  (Mainly because you get to see Phil Hellmuth blow up and every loves that)
 "What's Up Guys? Doug Polk here...." Another guy who needs know introduction. If not mistaken, Doug Polk made his fame on online poker and broadcasting his gameplay on Twitch. His name came out to the rest of the world when he won his first WSOP bracelet. Doug is now a common name when you hear "Famous Poker Players" and mainly due to the fact that he snagged his 3rd WSOP bracelet this year. His voice is somewhat annoying, along with his boyband haircut, and it seems in his vlogs he always has to talk down or bad about another player. But damn can that guy when some money! He does provide very useful information in his vlogs and knows what he's talking about. The dude can walk the walk and talk the talk. We'll give credit where credit is due.
 This dude is a straight up trip! With his flat bill hats, his cup of coffee, and his One thing you don't hear from many poker players is how important it is to choose the right room you play in. Ol' Trooper makes a valid point when saying that the mood, the vibe, the energy is very important when choosing a poker room. He also has a hilarious theory on the cocktail waitresses in Las Vegas. He talks about plays at tables but mostly just talks to talk and its pure gold.
Recommended Video - Overdue MAIL TIME--Part I
We hope our small list of vlogs helps you out in your poker game or just flat out entertains you. Best of luck to ya!  


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