Ways to Improve Your Game

Every poker player is always looking for the golden answer or the 100% full proof way of winning. Truth is, there is nothing out there that is going to get you to win every tournament or win thousands every cash game. If there is something out there and you have it, turn your phone or computer off right now and hit the tables!!!

Even though there is nothing out there to make you win every single time, there are tons of things to improve your knowledge and your game! In this blog, you are going to see some of the common learning tools to help improve your game.

Hand Charts

There are tons of different charts out there that tell you based on your position and the number of Big Blinds you have, what hands you should play. The one seen above is from Free Spin and Go . This chart is for when the button is on you and whether you should push all-in or fold your hand. Each hand highlighted shows what hands you should play according to how many big blinds you have.  These types of charts are very helpful for novice and new players.

Poker Books

These are very helpful! You get to dive into some of the greatest minds of tournament and cash poker players. Not only do these books cover Texas Holdem but they will open you up to how to play other games like OMAHA, Stud, Pot Limit, etc. No one book is going to make you the best poker player in the world but one book will help improve your game!

Poker Videos

Just like a sports team, watching film helps you in so many ways! If you are new to the game, this helps you figure out how to play the game and understand what the hell is going on at a poker table. If you have been playing for awhile, you can find whatever poker player you idolize and study how that individual plays. You get to even study other players and their method of playing. So if you are ever at the other end of the table of them, you already have the knowledge and information you need to adjust and play against he/she. Videos give you a visual on how to bet in certain positions, what hands are being played at all levels, and gives you an idea of what players are thinking. The best part of all of these, except PokerGo, is that it is ALL FREE!!! The four shown above are just a few sites that give you this information. Find what works for you.

Poker Coaches
It never hurts to have a mentor or a coach to help you during your poker career/hobby. Poker coaches give you another person's perspective and knowledge to help improve your game. There are tons and tons of sites of individual and/or teams of coaches that will help you for the right price. Poker coaches will show you their methods of playing and thought process through all types of hands, in all types of positions. They can also improve your way of reading players, knowledge of pot odds, and bet-sizing. Some of the coaches can be found in your city and do face to face training classes. Others are online and have pre-recorded classes. Some online may want to have that face to face teaching but you live in China and they are in Las Vegas. Some of these type of coaches may offer their training via Skype or some other type of live video communication. They do not come cheap though. To better your games, you have to sometimes spend money to make money.

And the last thing to help make you a winning poker player is......

Hitting the Tables
The best way anyone can get better is actually experiencing the game. Whether it is at an actual poker table in a casino or your home, you holding the cards and making the decisions with other human beings will boost your knowledge as well as your confidence. Some of you may have fear of other peoples faces so you choose to play online poker. It doesn't matter, you are still learning the game and developing your game one way or another. There is nothing like sitting at a table, watching each of your opponents, learning their tells, their betting style, what hands to the play, etc. If you are at a table with a good group of people, you could build a relationship with one or more person. Then when the game is does, you have a meeting of the minds and talk poker! Giving help and getting help can't hurt you unless you give away too much information on how you play!

There is so much information out there for new and old poker players to increase their confidence, skills, knowledge, and bankroll. It is up to you to go out there, do the work, study, and practice! Best of luck to you in your poker journey!


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